Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fitz's Second Life

Soooooo. Last week in class we were enthralled with Deborah Alexander's Second Life presentation. Certainly there are academic applications for students and teachers though there was a genuine creepy element to the whole deal. One of my favorite movies when I was an adolescent starred Charlton Heston in Soylent Green. Perhaps my sensitivity to creepiness as I traveled briefly in Second Life was heightened by similar science fiction movies that explored a future society dealing with issues of overpopulation, pollution, euthanasia, and the demise of a democratic society. It seems that with most technological innovations throughout history there has been great hope for that innovation to be part of massive social, economic, or political change. I'm not sure that "griefers" are quite pushing that envelope yet along with significant innovation comes the human tendency to overdose, overload, over do-it with examples ranging from on-line gambling to over prescription of anti-biotics. The idea that a Second Life economy exists with real dollars being exchanged boggles my First Life mind!

I would invite all of my readers to check out my website at

On the technology page of the website you'll find evidence of my baby steps with several technology tools from powerpoint to moviemaker. Rock on.

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London 2005

London 2005
Enroute to the Tower of London